Thursday, February 28, 2013

Fever Inspired Thoughts

Two of the members on my team have Bronchitis and both of them spent a significant amount of time in my cube last Friday.  Saturday the cough started, Sunday it increased, and by Monday afternoon I couldn't code for shit as my brain was boiling in a 101.4 degree temperature.  Monday night I went to bed at 7am and spent the night waking up every 45 minutes to an hour with a dry cough.  When my alarm went off at 6:30 there was no way I'd be able to make it in and be a productive employee.  I spent all day Tuesday and

Wednesday running a fever while sleeping and watching and replays of Bayern Vs Liverpool (A German team plays an English team in a game everyone else in the world calls football) and whatever documentaries I could find on Netflix. I also played the game where you close the bathroom door and turn on the shower to 8,000 degrees.  You punish yourself like this 4 times a day because its the only time of the day when you can breathe or have gone more than 3 minutes without a rib cracking cough.  My sanity came in the form of Texts from RJ, Cat, and then on Wednesday night Jamie came by after work to bring me Campbells soup, OJ, crackers, and Twizzler's- God Bless that women, next two bar tabs are on me James!!!  After the second day RJ decided it wasn't bronchitis but Arabian Super AIDS, I think I agree.  During the height of my fever, I wrote a few things that came up via text... below, however nonsensical is what follows:

"She", and most women that I know, have a crush on numerous guys at all times.   From listening to her and my other female friends discuss these pseudo fantasies I was confused why they didn't just go speak to the guy or manufacture an instance where they would have some interactions with them. Instead they would coo for hours in their head over the most insignificant details to further develop this imaginary version of a real person in their head: "He" wore a blank colored shirt which means he's sensitive, or I heard him talking about blah blah blah so it means he's a good guy who volunteers for charity, things like that.  It's almost as if they are more in love with the idea of the person in their head than the actual person.  Having figured that out I decided I'd try it out:
Hmmm... Who would I have a crush on...OK, so it has to be someone I don't know very well, it has to be someone I haven't had many interactions with or who I have close mutual friends with.  It can't be someone in a long term relationship because that's not logical, but I'm supposed to think like a women with a crush so it's supposed to be illogical?  No, that doesn't work- no long term relationship... (8 min pass) got it!
So.... what now?  I guess I'm supposed to take little bits of things about them to build them up in my head from our small interactions?   

Interaction #1 We met at a bar though a mutual friend, she was drinking wine- that means she likes wine and.... fuck. I'm not good at this.

Interaction #2.... Can't say that one, it'll give it away and isn't this supposed to be semi secret?

Interaction #3 Amy (Ep. 6ish Not so Crazy Amy) and I went out to Hibiscus during restaurant week.  While we were waiting to be seated said person was there with a group of people.  This means she likes to eat good food.... with friends...and save money... and donate to a charity for the North Texas Food Bank.  BAM!  I got that one.

You would think with 3 interactions I would have a lot more about the contrived personality of ____ than: She likes wine, she likes food, she has friends, and she's charitable.  Looks like I'm not as on point at developing a crush than my female peers.  I think I'll just ask our mutual friend when I see him if she's dating someone and take it from there.  Or Facebook stalk her to get real information.

Alphabrain contents
I know it's not possible but I think Miles Davis is actually raising my fever.  When I started this I felt semi-coherent and now it's 68 degrees in my apartment and I'm sweating bullets while seeing, SEEING, the notes of his trumpet come from my center channel.  Maybe taking some notropics (Alphabrain), choline, and OJ, right before this wasn't the best idea.  OR it could become an awesome idea! Lets keep rolling with this.

Best sick outfit ever!!
(2 hrs later).... Apparently I passed out right after the last sentence   I had to re-read it a few times because I could have sworn there was something about Rosario Dawson in there, but I guess not.  I hope it was in my dream.  It's also cold as hell in here, I need to put on my awesome zebra and leather house shoes and sock Monkey beanie, that'll keep me warm.  I think I'm done writing, like every other non-contributing member of society I'm going to turn on AMC to watch some movie I probably own on DVD....

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Not so Crazy Amy

 Amy was one of the first people I met when I moved to Dallas back in 2003.  We worked at the firm that must not be named and single-handedly caused the abolishment of all company sponsored after work sports teams.  She had started a company volleyball team which played on Tuesday nights at Lonestar volleyball club.  Back in those days Lonestar could be condemned at any minute due to structural safety so they would serve pitchers to anyone for $3.  Since I was broke at the time and she was too we bonded over cheap pitchers of Keystone Light while causing severe emotional distress to another employees girlfriend (later wife).  This girlfriend didn't think her significant other should be having this much fun on a school night and complained to HR about our shenanigans, which immediately cancelled all future sports.  I'm actually proud that my actions caused so many policy and procedural changes there.  
I don't remember the year but Earl and I were roomates; I had a very small black Sony-Erikson phone (same as Parq) and her contact name in my phone was Crazy Amy and it's to this day my Galaxy SIII has the same contact name.  We've taken road trips to Austin, had amazing meals together, partied till the sun came up, and manged to remain friends- even with her shitty taste in music.  Last Wednesday she came over for the dreaded date discussion OR maybe it because I slow cooked lamb shanks and provided wine.  Since at a few different points in our relationship we unsuccessfully tried to sort of date this could have been awkward, but with us humor is always abundant. 

When you go on a blind date or a date with someone you don’t know very well yet what do you look for regarding chemistry?
A:  I haven’t gone on a blind date in several months. The last one I went on, I kept trying to keep the conversation going but he was quiet.  I always look to see how the conversation is moving; what things we have in common, can he hold his own in a regular conversation with me, what kind of music he likes, that kind of thing.
B:  God, you like that shit hole drum and bass
A:  I know, I know, I have a distinct taste in music, but I at least want something in common.  The last few guys I went out with were very introverted. Maybe I'm extra extroverted, I don't know.   I Know my city and I don't like the cookie cutter Dallas persona, we just don’t connect.  A lot of people want to go home and go to work and that’s their life.  I think I have a different mindset.  A majority of the world has a boring mindset.

Do you  know what you want now?
A:  No- I don’t.
B:  Do you know what don’t want?
A:  Yeah- I don’t want someone that has to depend on me. We need to be equal in everything and want more to life. Barely getting by, not struggling, that's not what I want and it's my mission for that not to happen.  I was one of the first in my family to reach 21 and not be married.  I guess I'm never open to a relationship because I'm never been satisfied professionally. 

A:  Some people don't have low standards in their mind but they go with what's comfortable.   They change their lifestyle, move into a house and be ho-hum people. Then are shocked they don’t love what they have become.  I want someone who is successful on their own.  Because of my Lithuanian traditions I...
B:  Polish, you mean polish (inside joke)
A:  In the Lithuanian culture the male is more dominant, but...  I want a dominant male but I also want the give and take.  I don’t want to be a stay at home mom, I’m not a trophy wife kind of person either.  I also don’t know what I want to be when I grow up.
B: You've got time, it took me a while to find something I loved doing.

A:  I always said if I was abducted it wouldn't be for long: "We wanted someone low maintenance; this bitch talks too much, she's always hungry and cold."
B: hahahahaha

B: If you’re changing from friends or thinking about going from friends to dating what changes in their behavior do you look for?
A:  I try to avoid that-
B:  Why?
A:  Because… you don’t want to ruin the relationship.  But when I dated someone who was my best friend I really enjoyed it.  I try to avoid it because I know I would fuck it up.  I would hate to do that.  I run in a very small group of people so you don’t want to date someone's sloppy seconds and you're not attracted because you know their dirty laundry.  They need to open their reach; former heavy drinkers, druggies, no ambition, a lot people just do enough to get by. They can’t think in the future, regulated to the same present day thinking.
 B: Always upgrade-
A: Yeah. If it's the aspirations in your life make those better to help yourself.  It may not have always been successful, but ..
B:  You shouldn't focus on one aspect of your life
A:  But it does provide a ground for things.

B:  How would you describe yourself Politically/ Socially?
A:  I'm not a political person.  If I was to label myself, which I hate doing, I’d be a libertarian.  I'm kind of indifferent- some things, like abortion are a necessary evil, but a terrible choice.  I'm a fence sitter, I can look at the good and the bad of everything.   Right now being a democratic is working for me, but its because of my situation.  I don’t agree about people living off the goverment without focusing on finding work or doing something daily for socicety.  I went out on a date with a huge Ron Paul guy but it  was a turn off.  He was so in to it that it was annoying.  I don’t like anyone that in to anything
B:  Whats the worst thing someone could be focused on?
A:  Republican...  Christ, that's tough though- I hate extremes on anything.

B: What’s your stance on Drugs
A: I obviously… (sigh)… they can be completely un-sexy. So I guess I like natural things.  I have friends whose Friday’s end on Monday morning.  I have different idea’s now about all of that, but I’m not near as depressed as I used to be. I might be the lame one now, going to after hours things but leaving after an hour.  On the real stuff like cocaine I’m not for it.  Cocaine is a no go
B:  I’ve never met someone whose blowed out and thought he was really cool.  Be…
A:  Annoying as fuck- It attracts certain people, I'm a very talkative person now and on it I'd be out of control.  I'm afraid to even get too stoned.
B:  I never liked  weed
A:  I know you don’t.  Drugs are part of my culture.
B:  Do you think that will ever change?
A:  Yeah- but the night life still attracts me. Its starting to fade. I simmered down a bit and now I don't have to go out to do anything.

Describe the best date you've ever had
God. I don’t think I've been on a best date. Unfortunately it was on valentine's day- someone I was dating. Maybe we had broke up but we were on good terms.  I made him a bouquet of wine and candy and I took us to Texas de Brazil. We both fasted all day and were starving. We were fat kids who would always stay at home and eat.  We both were able to experience something new and we were foodies, plus I made the gift,  and everything.  Even though it was me taking care of him and we both enjoyed it . 

What’s your thought on religion/ philosophy?
I don’t know- I grew up heavy in a non-denominational church.  My family was very big into the church; I grew up with missionaries, Wednesday  night service in our house,  things like that.  But then the church basically forced them away. The church became larger and then pushed them out as it became more cliquish. My parents basically said fuck the church.  My philosophy class in College was basically anti-theology and I had an issue with it.  My professor said there are only 3 reasons people believe in religion: It's passed down from generations, it's something they are told can never be questioned, and fills the void in their life. Maybe Freud said that too.  
B:  Why are women never equal to men in religion?
A:  Tradition- women, are supposed to be a servant to the man. I don’t agree with it but I don’t disagree with it on some levels.  The way the world is I'm not expected to make the same as a man or have his responsibilities   I want to be the controlling person, usually, but I don’t want that all of the time.  I like to be the strong person but not the strongest in the relationship.
B:  Do you think religion should be updated for today
A:  Yes. It's old school, and needs updating. So does school!  Life expectancy has increased and the standard of living has changed.  Requirements of jobs have changed and forcing people to find a degrees at 18 while telling them "When you graduate you will be successful, you will win".  It's not true.  They should tell them you'll be broke with sky high debt and living with your parents.
B:  Does seeming me and my situation piss you off?
A:  Yes and no.  I can’t give a definite answer.  I may be struggling at some things but I'm not living on the streets. I'm kind of jealous because I wish I knew what I was good at, maybe I wish that I could've focused less on partying but I lived a good life so far.  It would be nice to make 6 figures, but I’m younger than you. 

A:  So you named it your blog the wrong chicks?
B:  Yeah, because I date the wrong chicks-
A:  well I didn't know what to think and was kind of like...ugh?
B:  I was thinking of something comical and dating disasters is actually the name of it.  You said ugh, so why didn't we ever work out?  We never really dated, just hung out for awhile.
A:  Yeah, we were never doing the same thing or on the same page in life.  For the longest time you were trying to climb the corporate ladder and I wasn't like that, so we were never on the same page.  We kind of clicked early on but you climbed the corporate ladder.   Remember when you were somewhere drinking with that girl attorney and you said "so and so is an attorney in at work" and then something about her being a professional something and I said "A professional whore".  I loved it for the 3 seconds I laughed and then noticed how awkward it was.
We can say shitty things to each other but we get over it...  YOU like shitty music!
B:  No you like shitty music
A:  Our constant is food-we're fat kinds and we like cheese and alcohol and meat.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Sometimes I think of Elaborate Ways to Kill You Slowly

"Sometimes you're my favorite person in the world and sometimes I think of elaborate ways to kill you slowly".  That's about the best way to describe my relationship with Ana.  And probably her relationship with me as her response to that IM at work was "Hehehehe. Me too".  I met Ana about 4 years back at the annual Greenville St. Patty's day parade.  At one point before that we worked together at the firm that doesn't deserve to be named, but I didn't know her then.  I was instantly attracted to this skinny Latin girl whose dress was creative and a mischievous aura as she'd walk the halls with a friend of ours.   Ana and I have a dynamic together where we can talk for hours at a time, see an art exhibit together, or get annihilated and possibly set off a conflict between nations that will start WWIII.  At one point we dated, which in itself would've been the best train wreck of a reality TV show, and now we're just friends and colleagues at work.  It's hard to describe to Ana; she's not one to be put in any sort of predefined box.  The circumstance you meet her will forever shape your view and since that could be at the Nasher Sculpture garden, the dog park with Stewie and Brian (I named the 2nd one fool, quit trying to take my cred), or at a bar doing shots and double fisting a Michelob Ultra and vanilla Stoli with Sprint.  She's multifaceted, rarely has a negative attitude, and never afraid to try new things.  
Stewie (Right) and Brian (left)

Normally I cook for the folks I interview and provide some drinks to kick things off, but I was slammed at work and called in an pick up order to Oceanaire.  Living across the street from 25 restaurants has it's perks and last minute food decisions are one of them.  I tried to grab it and have it back before she arrived but surprisingly I was running late and she was on time.  My door guy informed me she he buzzed her up so I was already behind in my scheduling.  Standing outside my door she gave me a smile and some shit for not cooking but then I plated the food, popped the wine, and things just starting rolling...

B:  OK, so a week ago when I told you about this and I said I only interview my single friends your response was "I'm about to be".
A: haha- yeah.  I'm in the process of becoming single.
B: Well, you just went on a trip with him, does that still hold true- where did you guys go?
A. LA.  Oh yeah, on the plane ride home I definitely knew I was going to break up with him.

B:  I thought you guys were happy, is this a recent thing?
A: No, I've known for awhile but we had this trip planned and I wanted to see how things would turn out.

B: What are some of the issues? 
A: He's always complaining about people.  He doesn't like people and he complains about everyone he sees.    They don't even affect him or what he's doing so I don't see the point.  It's a waste of time but he always does it.  He's also a chain smoker and he hid that at first from me.  Wake up and smoke, eat- have another cigarette,  do something else and have another cigarette.  Not only is it annoying but it smells too, it's all over him and he thinks if he just washes his hands he doesn't stink but that doesn't get rid of the smell.  I was at Urban Outfitters and they have a book titled 'Dear Asshole'.  One of the pages was 'Dear Asshole Smoker'- I took a picture of it and txt him.


(we break and I ask her how the food is)

Hook Em!!! Ana & Nemo (F Ep. 2)
B: Lets change directions- How was the trip?
A: It was fun, at first he was being all bitchy on the flight because he's scared of heights but once we got there we had a lot of fun.  I got this (mentioning her hoodie/ throw/ shawl thing.  I'm horrible at describing women clothes as you can tell) on the beach.
B: That's cute, looks really good on you.
A: We took a bike ride down the beach to Venice and checked everything out. It was a lot of fun, I like biking!  My bike had a little basket in it and could change gears.  It's very relaxing, riding on the beach.  If I had a beach I would do that shit all the time.  He was smoking as we rode though.
B: Hahaha.  RJ and I did that in SA.  We went to a real cool area not in the touristy riverwalk area, rented some bikes and rode all around this little co-op and saw the neighborhood.  It was a very good experience.  That's why I like biking, it's relaxing and not boring like running.
A: I thought about getting a bike now, I really enjoyed it.

B: When did you start getting frustrated in the relationship, back in December when we went to lunch with Clay you were bragging about your relationship and the necklace he got you.
A: It's funny, I've always watched those commercials where the women gets jewelry and they seemed like a load of crap.  Then he gave me this diamond necklace and I was giddy.  I wonder if it was that I had been programmed to think that for so long and it worked or I really liked it.  It was nice 2 hearts and a diamond.
B:  I know, I saw the Kay's jeweler's commercials with that necklace on all Christmas season.
A: It was Jerrod, but yeah.  I'm not sure why this time it was different.  Swa bought me jewelry before
B: A fucking wedding ring for one
A: (Smiling) Hey, I paid for part of that.  But he bought me a necklace, one that I really liked, it was gold with a circle that had diamonds all over it.  I guess this time I had that out of body experience; the programming caught up to me.

B: Do you think being in a relationship makes your life easier or harder?
A: Harder; I feel like I’m being held back.  I felt like that with all of my relationship, I don’t think they (the guys she dated) are up to my par. I think I'm more educated and advanced then they are.  
(Pause) I don’t think think I'm ready to lower my standards.

B:  Does monogamy scare you?
A:  What’s monogamy
B:  That explains that- only being with one person
A:  Maybe with the right person.  I think once your'e done with dating everyone then you can be monogamous.  There’s also the kind where you're monogamous because your scared of being without someone but are you monogamous because you want it and not scared?  You should (in your mind) be able to differentiate between the 2.  I feel more in control of myself than I ever have?
B:  What brought that on?
A:  Dating different people, different lifestyles, different views.  There’s other things out there than what you have been exposed to.

A:  I put a lot of trust in people and have a lot of hope at first.  I think there is so much more to people than what everyone else notices.
B: Like their initial perception?
A: Yeah, and then later I think maybe they aren't ready for that or maybe that's not who they were in the first place.  It's the same with me though.  Maybe I like to binge drink of the weekends or kill babies
B: I LOVE to kill babies!!!
A: hahahaha

A: A friend of mine asked me back in December what's the one thing you like about the guy your dating?  I couldn't think of anything, it took me two days to tell her something.
(Phone rings) Hold up- I told him I'm at Brenda's.

B: So what now?
A: I don't want to hurt him.  
B: (thinking: too late if he reads this) But can you afford the luxury to keep things going?
A: No, he needs to know.

B: OK- on to some random questions; real or non-sense
A: non-sense

B:We'll mix it up with some one word associations:
B: Green
A: Blue

B: Donkey
A: Kong

B:  Tron
A: The game Tron

B: Kids
A: Havoc
B: hahahahaha
A: Havoc for now, who knows in the future.

B:  When you go on a blind date or a date with someone you don’t know very well yet what do you look for regarding chemistry?
A: I don't look for Chemistry
B: Then what do you look for?
A: Here's my check points:
What do they do for a living, something with ambition
B: That didn't work, he's a fry cook
A: Well, looks, interests, how they present themselves, do they have manners, how attentive the are to me and what's going on.  I really haven't been on a lot of dates I'm kind of a....
B: Hook up girl? (laughing and joking)
A: No.  I just lower my expectations.
B: Have you heard that quote from 'Perks of Being a Wallflower'- "We choose the love we think we deserve", like that?
A: I haven't heard that. Sometimes I think people just use the faults they have, the things they've been in, and try to punish themselves for that.  I try to recognize that and not do that. try.  My personality is to be there for someone, to help them and at the same time I veer off for the wounded sad guy.

B:  I've found that as women get older they know more of what what they don't want than what they do want, which is the opposite when their younger.  
A: I think that's true.  You've been dreaming about what you want your whole life, but no one ever taught you to prepare for what don’t want.  I don’t want a relationship right now.  I keep finding the ones that need to be helped, not the ones where we can help each other.  I just don’t want to date right now and be single because I've had disappointments…  (trails off) disappointments
Poring some liquor for the Homie

.A: I'm getting to the age where I don't want kids.  At first I was jealous of my sister when she had her kid and all the attention and love she was getting.
B: Fuck, would YOU want Georgie?
A: Fuck no!  My sister is having another one now and that one will be good because the father is involved.  I guess at some point I just thought about it and wondered why am I pushing so hard for something that I don't even know if I want.  It should come natural.

(we pause and have some more wine and the conversion veers)

B: I heard something a couple weeks back- In dating women can never go backwards financially.  If she dates a guy making $50K she can never go back to dating a guy making $35K.  Guys can never go back sexually, if he's dating a freak or someone uber comfortable with their body they can't then date someone who has to have it pitch black and sleeps in onezy.
A:  I'd agree with that.

B: Back to some questions-  How would you describe yourself Politically/ Socially?
A: Politically: I just like to party; socially I like the mingling.  I just like to talk to people.

B:  What’s the last great book you read?
A;  We’re all going to die- the dinosaur book I showed you.  I actually thought of you, I was going to give it for Christmas but then I decided I wanted it.

B: What's the best meal you've ever had?
A: Fuck- the meal at Kenny’s ( Kenny's Woodfire Grill in Addison).  
B:  Which time?
A:  The first time we went. The service, the atmosphere, the location, all of that made it great. The food is also really good there and it doesn't feel pretentious.
B:  Yeah, I agree.  I really like Kenny's
A;  The atmosphere makes the meal and I love it there- they cook the best steak.

B:  The best comedian of all time is?
A:  Fuck… I don’t know of all time.  
B:  I would've thought you'd say Kevin Hart
A: Why because he's popular?
B: No because I know you like him and he's funny as shit.
A:  Right now it would be Kevin Hart.  I also like Chris rock. Currently it's Kevin Hart.

B:  What is spidermaning?
A: (Answer)
B:  YES!!! We have a winner!!!  First one to guess it correctly

B:  If money was no object what kind of car would you drive?
A:  My car.
B: Bullshit 
A: Oh! A Fiat 500. So I could park anywhere.  Their cool and no matter the space you can park them anywhere.

B;  What’s the most beautiful to you?
A:  The quiet sunset of the sky- the colors of when the sun sets and just being in the moment.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Lizzie Borden took an ax...


While her last name isn't Borden and she didn't kill her mother or father I can definitely see her taking an ax to anyone who would do her family wrong.  Liz came over this past Wednesday night for dinner and conversation, so this allowed a perfect chance to interview her.  I moved in back in August and hadn't cooked for anyone yet.  I set the table, used South America as my theme and knowing her love of metal music picked up a bottle of Arizona Stronghold.  None other than Maynard James Keenan bottles this Red and I came away from the dinner knowing significantly more about this person I've shared drinks with around Addison over the last 4 years.  I already knew she was a very passionate person about music but I had no idea how much she cared for her family.  She spoke glowingly about her parents and younger brother throughout the conversation and the influence they have played in her life.  Raised in the Dallas area attending private school allowed for a seamless transition for college overseas.  The time she spent in Scotland and elsewhere abroad shaped her views on politics, philosophy, and life as follows:

B:  When you go on a blind date or a date with someone you don’t know very well what do you look for regarding chemistry?
L: Overall I see how the conversation flows.  If there are any long awkward pauses or needless banter it turns me off
B: Things like "Good weather we're having"
L:  Exactly, no weather talk.

B: If you’re changing from friends or thinking about going from friends to dating what changes in their behavior do you look for?
L:  More flity behavior, more touching, leaning in closer when they talk, things like that.  I haven’t really done the friends to dating though.

B:  What qualities in a person turn you off
L:  There are so many.
B:  Hahaha
L:  Arrogance, tanning too much, spiked hair, frosted tips, affliction shirts... If they aren't close with their family, if they are not an animal lover. On a first date a big no-no is non-tippers or people that leave a small tip. Also being needy or not having their shit together. 
They have to have ambition. Otherwise it's like "What do you want to do in life"?  Anyone with strong religious or political beliefs never works either.  I went out on a date once with a guy and things were going really well until we started talking about political beliefs   He stood up in the middle of dinner and said something to the affect of "Well, I'm a republican and I can't date anyone who isn't so take care have a good life." 
B: Wow...

B: So how would you describe yourself politically, a hardliner?
L:  Liberal, but I'm a socialist atheist.

B: What about drugs, how does that play into everything, I assume you're OK with it to a point?
L:  I really don't have a problem with using as long as they aren't addicted or it's not all of the time.  Everything in moderation, but I don't judge them for it.

B:  Do you consider yourself more up to date on news issues or celebrity gossip
L:  Pretty up to date on both- nowadays I focus more on news instead the celebrity gossip stuff.

B:  What’s the last great book you read?
L:  I just finished one last night it was 'Mistress of Morning' by Karen Harper.  It's historical fiction based on Henry VII and Elizabeth of York.
B:  Did you chose it because of her name?
L:  No, I love reading about history- it's what I majored in.  (with a smile) But It doesn't hurt she was named Liz and that she is on playing cards.
B: What's the best meal you've ever had?
L:  That so hard.  This is going to sound lame but still I'm the most happy with Luby's fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and okra.  I've been in amazing restaurants all of over the world and that's what I love. OH- add some rolls with gravy and key lime pie for dessert.  
B:  So comfort food?
Liz.  Yeah.  I read a book about about a cook who makes the last meal for inmates on death row.  It's very interesting because it talks about the person, their crime, and upbringing and what they chose for their last meal.
B:  Sounds pretty interesting, seeing different aspects of them.

B:  Describe the best date you've ever had
L:  I've been taking out on so few dates
B:  Bahaha
L:  Most are with people I've already been out with. One was with a guy who took the time to get to know me.  He  found out what I liked beforehand. We ate at Chili's,and I LOVE Chili's, then went to half price books where I spent a good amount of money. Chili's is my favorite restaurant and I love to read.  It was special because he took the time to find out my interests and what I liked.

B:  What makes you uncomfortable in a relationship
L:  In what way?
B:  Action wise, not like anal or something sexual
L:  Hehehe- If they are too needy or clingy.  Or if they have qualities like my ex who wanted to live off me and not pay a dime and not work.  If someone doesn't treat my friends or family well it's over. If they won't except my views on topics or tries to make me feel like I am lucky to be with them.

B:  Do you think being in a relationship makes your life easier or harder?
B:  Really, why is that
L:  You always have to report back and consider their feelings more than or at least equal to your own.  Relationship are work, marriage is work.  You have to work on yourself and them throughout the whole thing.  
B:  I think your dating the wrong guys.
L:  I think it would find it interesting or great in theory but I date guys that aren't good.  I told ____ what you said about "You have to date someone that at least has insurance and a 401(k) and she laughed.  If I was interested in guys like that with great conversation then it maybe a relationship wouldn't scare me

(cigarette and wine break)
L: I love this (referring to the music)
B:  Listening to Miles (Davis) is great
L:  This is sexy (again, referring to the music.  I'm definitely not sexy nor can I play the trumpet)
B:  Yeah. I  just love Miles its something about Jazz and blues that is so different from everything else.
*Side note- I had 'Kind of Blue' and 'Porgy and Bess' playing

B: What’s the best relationship you've been in and how long?
L:  It was with Scott; at the time I was 22 and he was 44.
B:  Wow, did he have wrinkly balls?
L:  No he didn't, he looked young.  He looked good and was in a band; we met through the lead singer who I already knew.  We dated long distance for a year and a half. After that the whole decision came for him to either move here or me move there.  Neither of us wanted to move because we weren't ready for that at that stage of our lives. The age difference was big but we never fought and the whole relationship went well.  We're still friends to this day.

B:  Do you want kids?
L:  For me it depends on the person.  If I met the right person then yeah but its not a must.
B:  No pressure from family?
L:  None- My parents have always said that as long as I'm happy that's what matters most.   I'm sure they would like for me to have kids but they would much rate I'm happy.

B: We kind of already covered this but what’s your stance on religion?
L:  Atheist. I believe what I believe but I'm not so arrogant to believe that I'm 100% right. No one really knows- I could date someone in any religion as long as they were tolerant with my beliefs
B:  I couldn't date a hippy. Fuck you and your "lets go join a drum circle" shit.
L:  Oh NO- me either, I couldn't date a bible thumper.

B:  Does monogamy scare you?
L:  Not like it used to, not anymore.

Time for the non-sense questions:

B:  Who wins a fight to the death She-Ra or Wonder Woman ?
L:  Wonder Woman, because I don’t know who She-Ra is.
B: She had this cartoon with scarf- he was a gerbil/hampster hybrid who said "Scarf" a lot
L:  I only know wonder woman from the big bang theory, do you watch that?
B: No, they're too nerdy for me

B:  If you joined a biker gang what would your nickname be?
L:  Pinkerton, it was my college nickname. just like the Pinkerton detectives from back in the old west, I always got my guy. So if I was a biker and it was someone I wanted to kill or fuck, I'd get them.

B:  The best comedian of all time is?
L:  My favorite is Bill Engval but all time I think Steve Martin, especially when he would do "Two Wild and Crazy Guys".

B:  If you had to pick one brand that is all encompassing of your style and attitude it what would be?
L:  Victoria Secret
B:  You want to wear velour pink pants with "pink" on the ass all day?
L:  No- they have real clothes and they make women fell beautiful, which is hard to do these days.
B:  I think women make it hard for each other
L:  Yup

B:  What is spidermaning?
L:  Is it like seaguling?
B:  Very Close!!!  Closest one so far!

B:  If money was no object what kind of car would you drive?
L:  A BMW M5 convertible
B:  They don’t make a M5 convertible they make a M6 convertible
L:  Then that

B:  What’s the most beautiful to you?
L:  hmmm
B:  Just the first thing that comes to your mind
L:  Renaissance art or a well written book.  
B:  What's your favorite book of all time?
L:  'The Picture of  Dorian Gray' or 'The Three Musketeers'

B:  What’s your favorite alcoholic beverage?
L:  Coors light draft, but depends on the night and what I'm feeling

B:  If you were to go on a solo trip where you knew no one and it has to be a place you've never been, where would you go?
L:  New Zealand- They speak English  there is a lot of exploring to do there on your own and I don't think it would get as lonely as in other places.

B:  How many 8 year olds could you beat you up one by one in a row.
L:  50, wait, if they were in a row I think 119.