Last week I was sick... That sick where your head is so congested and heavy you're basically retarded. Already being below average intelligence didn't help me at all and work was crazy. Since it took everything in my ability to show up at work rocking a 102 degree fever I didn't have time to update this wonderful dating blog. I sent a friend of mine some questions regarding dating in general and through the busy day she obliged me in a response. I figured it would be a lot easier than speaking to her in a nasally tone and infecting her with whatever variation of ghonasyphaherpalitis I had; I'll just comment as if it was a conversation. Since she didn't want her name or photo posted along with the info I'll give you a little bit of background without revealing her identity. Not that it really matters since no one reads this but the 6 people interviewed; none the less...

She was born and raised in Dallas, Texas but travels the world frequently and has made this a passion in her life. She has a post bachelor degree but doesn't use her education directly in her work. She's a religious person but also considers food a religion in itself. Sports in all forms have always been a part of her life and she's in her early 30's. I think that's vague enough for her not to care...
I love a good logical debate so I think I agree with you the most on this one. People form their views from their experiences and those that are concrete in political absolutes haven't experienced much at all in my conversations with them.

She was born and raised in Dallas, Texas but travels the world frequently and has made this a passion in her life. She has a post bachelor degree but doesn't use her education directly in her work. She's a religious person but also considers food a religion in itself. Sports in all forms have always been a part of her life and she's in her early 30's. I think that's vague enough for her not to care...
1. Would you go on a blind date and how would you describe chemistry:
Yes, I would go on a date with a stranger. To me chemistry is a feeling that can't be quantified. I have to feel easy, flirty, wanting to share and feel giddy about being that person. Physical wise- a smile, teeth, presence, height, confidence.
While I believe Chemistry can develop over time I think there should be more of a neutral feel or excitement than the opposite. First dates can be very awkward depending on how comfortable the person is in the surrounding. The physical attraction has to be there from the start. A personality can increase attraction significantly but if the initial attraction isn't there I don't see a relationship developing.
2.If you were to go from Friend to partner what things would you look for to see if they felt strongly for you:
I don't date my friends. I also don't really meet people through my friends so this question would not apply to me.
I've dated a few of my friends and it's usually worked out well, it's never caused any permanent mending of relationships later down the line. I also feel very strongly about having the friend-set-up; as we get older there are far less outlets to meet new people and a recommendation from a friend goes a long way.
3. Describe Passion:
Passion means a fire in your belly. A person who has a good amount of emotion and knows how to express it. Passion is having a desire to be involved with another person and actively, vocally, manners and have their own mind.
I'm not good at this one, I routinely confuse passion for insanity- but I get you.
4. What qualities turn you off in a mate:
A person who drinks to much. A person who is self absorbed, A racist person, A person who plays a victim, A person who who is not accountable for his actions, A person who lacks confidence.
This may be ignorant of me, but are there truly racist people still out there? I LOVE to joke around about race, but it's all races equally including my own. I don't think I know anyone that is really racist. As for the other items I concur with most. The chicks who are always talking about this or that happened to them and woe is me are a beating... I can only imagine it coming from a dude.
5. Could you date someone that isn't the same politically as you:
Political is a personal thing so it's a deal breaker if you are too passionate about either that you can't accept another person point of view. I am liberal socially. I am conservative / liberal in financial. I won't date someone that is do rigid in politics that everyone around them must be the same.

6. Could you date someone that partakes in recreational drug use:
No drugs!!!
I see this one differently. But I see it differently in a conditional sort of way- I could care less if the girl I dated smoked weed. I don't consider it a drug and think there are hundreds of more dangerous legal drugs out there. At the same time we're in Texas, not California and the south still thinks Weed = Heroin. However ridiculous that is I would hope she would be cogniscient of that and be careful. Now if we're talking Meth/ Heroin/ Oxy she can suck it and find some one else to go barter stolen copper with.
7. Both- I keep up with everything. Good t
8.What's the last book (not magazine) you read?
I am reading 'We need to talk about Kevin' now. It's a good book
I got nothing, I don't know a thing about this book.
9. What's the best meal you've ever had?
The best meal. Hmmm Commander Palace brunch in New Orleans
Again, I got nothing... My best meal was a few weeks ago at FT33. Here's a few photo's from this fan-fucking-tastic meal.
10. What's the best date you've ever been on?
Hmmm not sure. I have had several. They all include amazing food( usually trying new things), driving around, great conversation and a sweet gesture.
I've always had the best dates when the conversation flows effortlessly. To me attraction + good conversation is a winner, it's that simple for me.
11. What makes you comfortable with a partner?
There is not one thing that makes me feel comfortable. Ie , a smile, a feeling of support, a person who is present, a gentle spirit, a rub on my back, being financially stable, a person who has their own mind and accepts my autonomy. This is not something that can be written. It just is.
I know I'm comfortable with some one when I listen to them. I definitely need to be reeled back in sometimes and if I listen then I know I like them. If not then they're just meh.... I also want to feel affection from them without asking for it, that's another big one on the comfort scale.
12. I don't remember what I asked so I'm going to pretend I asked how she feels about the designated hitter in baseball:
I think I may. It's 50/50
The National League and their archaic rules can eat a fat one. The American league does it right; your pitcher is there to pitch and doesn't take BP nor should he. Pfft, what's that you say... You love that your combined pitching staff hits .128, guarantees an out, and can't sac bunt to save his life. You sir/ madam are an idiot.
13. Who wins in a fight to the death, Teddy Ruckspin or Winnie the Pooh
Winnie the Pooh of course and then he gets some honey right after
That fat ass Winnie the Pooh would be too stoned to take on Teddy "Fucking" Ruckspin (in the words of Johnny in Ted). Teddy Takes it easily- look at him, he gets a KO in round one. Pooah is no Roy Nelson.
14. If you joined a biker gang what would your nickname be
I agree 1000000%
15. The best comedian of all time is....
Richard Pryor or Bernie Mac
You can't argue with Pryor. Live on the sunset strip was monumental in comedy and Pryor in general was light years ahead of his time. When you watch it now even though some of it feels dated you realize how many comedians, both black and white, are ripping off his bits. Just great- If you have netflix streaming some of his best stuff is on there. I still love 'See No Evil, Hear No Evil' with Gene Wilder. I died watching that at my dad's house in NY back in my hellion days.
16. What brand personifies what your mate would wear
Not sure about this one--- to broad—My mind thinks of too many things on this one
17. 8 men out is a story about?
The White Sox – 8 men on the team got together and said they would lose the game to win money.(Gambled) It had the media referring to them as the BLACK SOX
Good answer, BUT "Shoeless" Joe Jackson didn't throw the series. How can you say someone that hit .375 in the series throw it???
18. If you could have any car what kind of car would it be?
Mercedes Benz – Big Body- I want to be a nice car but something that everyone can relate to. However, I have always love the Bentley (2 door)
Coming from someone that drives an E-class I can attest to what a wonderful car it is. They keep getting better and the design is gorgeous. The Bentley is the Bentley. So pretty, so nice, and it screams elegance .. unless I drove one, I'd murder it out or storm troop it out.
19. What is the most beautiful to you?
A Smile- It tells me a lot about a person and it can warm up a room
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