The Nemo Interview...
After convincing Maily (I call her Nemo) to try out a wonderful new Indian spot for lunch on a very dreary Saturday I also managed to persuade her to come back to my apartment for this interview. Since the atmosphere was relaxed and this was done in person the perspective is more conversational than the usual email Q & A. We've known each other now for a little over a year and Nemo has become one of my most trusted friends and an excellent partner in crime. At 33 years old Maily has enough experience in life to give a great perspective on any topic and she's always smiling or laughing; just a wonderful person to be around with a great heart. And a mouth that makes rivals only Veronica and Andrew Dice Clay, which makes her more of catch. When she finally decides to get back into dating someone serious she'll have a line a mile long.
B: When you go on a blind date or a date with someone you don’t
know very well yet what do you look for regarding chemistry?
M: The first thing I look at is how hot they are. They have to grab my attention physically and then I'll see how their personality is.
B: Yeah, the physical attraction has to be there first. What about w ____.
M: Yeah, at first I thought "UGH!", but then I ended up in a relationship with him. So I guess if the communication is there and they are interesting then it works. I can't be bored with what they have to say.
B: If you’re changing from friends or thinking about
going from friends to dating what changes in their behavior do you look for?
M: I don't date my friends and never have so that hasn't come up.
B: What does passion means to you:
M: Being able to be with someone sexually but making it about more than just the sex. How you feel about each other in the moment; It doesn't have to be in a relationship but just how you feel in that moment.
B: What qualities in a person turn you off
M: Cockiness... I hate when people think they're all that but they aren't. When they over brag about shit too, It's like who cares? Also LAZY people, ugh.. Negative people too. Oh and liars, that's a huge deal for me. I don't and have never cheated so I don't get it. I'd rather have you tell me the worst shitty truth ever than lie to my face.
B: How would you describe yourself Politically/ Socially- what are some deal breakers in a partner?
M:The first thing I thought about was politics and I'm politically stupid. I don't agree with a lot of things going on but it's like, What am I going to do to change it? A deal breaker.... Very strong and overly judgmental people- and the self righteous Christians; don't force yourself and beliefs on me.
B: What’s your stance on drugs?
Pretty much what you said before. I don't do drugs, but I don't judge people that do them... unless it's something like Coke. As long as it was something light for recreational use I'd be OK, but if it was every day I'd definitely have an issue.
B: Do you consider yourself more up to date on news
issues or celebrity gossip
M: Neither. I don't watch much TV. I don't watch the news either because it's always depressing and negative and they talk about horrible things. Now Football and Sports are different- I read everything I can about the Cowboys and look that shit up.
*Note- Maily is CRAZY about the Cowboys. It's a lot of fun watching a game with her because she is so passionate about every play and every call. She knows the players, stats, coaches, etc. If you ever get the change to catch a game with her you should. There's also an awesome pic of her in an old school cowboys hat she forbid me post.
B: Since I know you read a lot, what’s the last great book you read?
M: A Storm of Swords, it's the third one in the Game of Thrones series. I like the series a lot, but the fourth book sucked.
B: What's the best meal you've ever eaten?
M: Ah, fuck I don't know
B: Think fool, I know mine.....
M: That's cause you just went to yours! Probably last year when we all went to dinner for Swa's birthday- Perry's
B: What's the best date you ever went on?
M: When I met _____. We met at a concert during the day and talked for hours; when we finished we just looked up and it was night with all the stars out. We ended up on a rooftop again looking at stars and talking about everything and anything. We both fell asleep on the patio outside and he was a perfect gentleman. He was respectful, the date was spontaneous, he was so sweet and everything happened randomly. The conversation made it wonderful.
B: What makes you uncomfortable in a relationship
M: Nothing comes to mind. (later we were talking about something else and this was answered) Not trusting me and jealous people. It will never work if he's jealous of my relationship with guy friends and doesn't trust me.
B: Do you think being in a relationship makes your life
easier or harder?
M: Easier! I've always been in a relationship (*until the past year) and it's never held me back. I'm not clingy and I don't care if you do your own things. Financially it's definitely easier.
B: What's the best relationship you've been in and how
M: I don't think it's happened yet. If I had to make a choice of all the ones I've been in then ____. We had a lot of the same friends so doing things and scheduling vacations was always easy.
( Pause interview and I make her an Appleton's dark rum, orange liqueur, and Sprite... possibly too strong)
B: Do you have or want kids?
M: I have one, a 9 year old.
B: What about any more down the line?
M: More? More would depend on the relationship I was in. I wouldn't have to be married but if I was with someone that I knew was going to be forever and he wanted to have one then I would be up for it. It just has to be the right decision and not have a kid or get married just because other people think you should.
B: What about any more down the line?
M: More? More would depend on the relationship I was in. I wouldn't have to be married but if I was with someone that I knew was going to be forever and he wanted to have one then I would be up for it. It just has to be the right decision and not have a kid or get married just because other people think you should.
B: What’s your stance on religion or philosophy?
M: As long as they leave me the fuck alone and don't pressure me with their beliefs I'm cool. If he was religious I'm OK with that as long as it's nothing hardcore.
B: So none of that "Do this or you'll burn in hell"
M: Nah, fuck that.
B: Who wins a fight to the death between Yogi the Bear and Bullwinkle the Moose?
M: Yogi the Bear. I like Bullwinkle better, but Yogi is like, retarded at getting shit done. So Yogi.
B: If you joined a biker gang what would your nickname
M: I don't know. I like the nickname you call me, Nemo, because I think I'm like that. A friend also calls me Squirelly and I like that but I don't know.
B: The best comedian of all time is?
M: Don't know, I don't really watch comedy.
B: Do you ever go to the Improv and watch comics?
M: Yeah, but just with friends and it's fun but I don't know.
B: If you had to pick one brand that is all
encompassing of your style and attitude it would be?
M: Something cheap and cute.
B: What's a brand you usually buy?
M: Every time I've need something nice I always find it at BCBG. That's where I find everything that I really like. For _____ wedding I bought the dress there and hid the tags and returned that shit the next day.
B: HAHAHA, I know a lot of girls that do that. Seems strange to a guy but to a girls its completely normal and acceptable.
B: What's a brand you usually buy?
M: Every time I've need something nice I always find it at BCBG. That's where I find everything that I really like. For _____ wedding I bought the dress there and hid the tags and returned that shit the next day.
B: HAHAHA, I know a lot of girls that do that. Seems strange to a guy but to a girls its completely normal and acceptable.
B: What is spidermaning?
M: I don't know?
(I tell her)
M: Holly fuck, do guys really do that?
B: Yeah, like in a hotel or something like that.
B: If money was no object what kind of car would you
M: Something sporty like a Benz or a BMW
B: What’s the most beautiful to you?
M: There's a lot.
B: What's the first thing that came to mind?
M: The sky, the universe, what's out there. That always seems so nice. The second thing would be kids honestly. When it's cute and funny as hell becuase they don't know what they did.

B: Really, I would thought you said Dos Equis.
M: I've been drinking more liquor drinks now, beer makes me feel fat
B: Yeah, When I drink a lot of beer my face is all bloated like this:
M: HAHAHAHA. I take it back, that right there, that's the most beautiful thing to me.
B: If you were to go on a solo trip and not know anyone there where would you go?
M: Brazil. There's parties, a beautiful beach, everyone is beautiful and I'd come back with boob implants.
M: Nothing big, I'd just like to fill out at least a B, shit I can't even fill out an A cup.
B: Does monogamy scare you?
M: Nope
B: How many 8 year olds could you beat you up one by one if they were standing in a row.
M: HAHAHA. I'm trying to imagine myself kicking Natalie and Issac's ass. I'm pretty ghetto, so a lot.
B: You have to give me a number.
M: 30, at least 30.
And with that folks we're done... Maybe another interview this week or maybe a few more stories that take your opinion of me down slightly less than it already was.
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