Amy was one of the first people I met when I moved to Dallas back in 2003. We worked at the firm that must not be named and single-handedly caused the abolishment of all company sponsored after work sports teams. She had started a company volleyball team which played on Tuesday nights at Lonestar volleyball club. Back in those days Lonestar could be condemned at any minute due to structural safety so they would serve pitchers to anyone for $3. Since I was broke at the time and she was too we bonded over cheap pitchers of Keystone Light while causing severe emotional distress to another employees girlfriend (later wife). This girlfriend didn't think her significant other should be having this much fun on a school night and complained to HR about our shenanigans, which immediately cancelled all future sports. I'm actually proud that my actions caused so many policy and procedural changes there.
I don't remember the year but Earl and I were roomates; I had a very small black Sony-Erikson phone (same as Parq) and her contact name in my phone was Crazy Amy and it's to this day my Galaxy SIII has the same contact name. We've taken road trips to Austin, had amazing meals together, partied till the sun came up, and manged to remain friends- even with her shitty taste in music. Last Wednesday she came over for the dreaded date discussion OR maybe it because I slow cooked lamb shanks and provided wine. Since at a few different points in our relationship we unsuccessfully tried to sort of date this could have been awkward, but with us humor is always abundant.
When you go on a blind date or a date with someone you
don’t know very well yet what do you look for regarding chemistry?
A: I haven’t gone on a blind date in several months. The
last one I went on, I kept trying to keep the conversation going but he was
quiet. I always look to see how the conversation is moving; what things we have in common, can he hold his own in a regular conversation with me, what kind of music he likes, that kind of thing.
B: God, you like that shit hole drum and bass
A: I know, I know, I have a distinct taste in music, but I at least want something in common. The
last few guys I went out with were very introverted. Maybe I'm extra extroverted, I don't know. I Know my city and I don't like the cookie cutter Dallas persona, we just don’t
connect. A lot of people want to go home
and go to work and that’s their life. I
think I have a different mindset. A
majority of the world has a boring mindset.
Do you know
what you want now?
A: No- I don’t.
B: Do you know what don’t want?
A: Yeah- I don’t want someone that has to depend on me. We need to be equal in everything and want more to life. Barely getting by, not struggling, that's not what I want and it's my mission for that not to happen. I was one of the first in my family to reach 21 and not be married. I guess I'm never open to a relationship
because I'm never been satisfied professionally.
A: Some people don't have low standards in their mind but they go with
what's comfortable. They change their lifestyle, move into a house and be ho-hum
people. Then are shocked they don’t love what they have become. I want someone who is successful on their own.
Because of my Lithuanian traditions I...
B: Polish, you mean polish (inside joke)
A: In the Lithuanian culture the male is more dominant, but... I want a dominant male but I also want the give and
take. I don’t want to be a stay at home mom, I’m not a trophy wife kind of person either. I also don’t know
what I want to be when I grow up.
B: You've got time, it took me a while to find something I loved doing.
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