The last interview I did was up for less than 24 hours. The girl I interviewed freaked out and wanted me to remove all her pictures but to keep up the interview. It wasn't right away, it was after some adult figure mentioned something to her about possible future employers being able to google search her info. I tried to explain to her that her name wasn't used and in the field she's in no respective employer is going to or will spend the cash to do an image search. When that didn't work I tried to explain that liberal arts mediums don't care what their $29.5K interns do on rarely red, badly written blogs. That didn't work. So now I'm pretty much out of will volunteers. My friend Cat wants to interview me on video and do a dating deal on YouTube but I don't really see that taking hold. You'd need a perspective pool of women and we've tapped that market out. You'd figure with my standards being Hispanc, dark/ black hair, skinny, and large hoop earrings I'd be set in Texas. But I'm not Mexican so that isn't working out. I'll hit Cat up this week and see if I can get her to do the interview or if the video thing is a possibility. If that fails this one will die a slow death...